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Mastering Cold Outreach Devliverability - Enusring Emails land in the inbox and not Spam

11 Sep

The Essentials of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC

When it comes to email deliverability, it’s not just about hitting send; it’s about making sure your emails actually land in the inbox. One of the most overlooked yet critical aspects of this is email authentication—specifically, setting up your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records correctly. Think of these as your email's bodyguards, standing at the gates of the inbox, ensuring your messages are trustworthy and not mistaken for spam.

  • SPF (Sender Policy Framework): This record specifies which mail servers are permitted to send emails on behalf of your domain. It’s like giving your emails an ID card that says, “Yes, this sender is legitimate.” Without it, your messages might end up in the spam folder or not be delivered at all.
  • DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): DKIM adds a unique digital signature to your emails, confirming that the message hasn’t been tampered with in transit. It’s the equivalent of sealing a letter with wax—if the seal is broken, the receiver knows something’s fishy.
  • DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance): This is the bouncer of email authentication, working with SPF and DKIM to not only verify your emails but also provide reports on their delivery performance. Properly configured, DMARC can significantly reduce the chances of your domain being spoofed.

Why These Matter: Misconfigured or missing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records can damage your sender reputation, leading to low open rates, higher bounce rates, and in the worst case, blacklisting. If you haven’t set these up yet, it’s time to make it a priority—your email marketing depends on it.

Use Real Names, Not Generic Addresses

There’s something impersonal about receiving an email from info@ or contact@. It feels cold, corporate, and worst of all, forgettable. Instead, use personalized email accounts with real names like john@ or emily@. Not only does this add a human touch, but it also builds trust and increases the likelihood of engagement. People are more likely to open an email from a person rather than a faceless entity.

  • The Personal Touch: Emails from real names establish a sense of familiarity, making your audience feel like they’re conversing with an actual person, not a robot. This simple tweak can have a massive impact on your open and response rates.
  • The Trust Factor: Personalized emails tend to perform better because they aren’t just about marketing—they’re about building relationships. Trust is the currency of modern digital communication, and using real names is an easy way to earn it.

Choose a Reputable Email Service Provider

The foundation of effective email marketing isn’t just about what you send, but also who sends it. Opting for a reliable email service provider (ESP) like Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 is crucial for maintaining high deliverability rates. These services come with built-in security features, robust spam filtering, and strong sender reputations that can boost your email performance.

However, if you decide to go with your own email server, be prepared for the technical responsibilities that come with it. Managing your own server means you have control, but it also means you’re on the hook for maintaining security, managing deliverability, and ensuring compliance with email standards.

  • Scaling Considerations: If your business sends over 10,000 emails per month, it might be time to consider investing in private infrastructure. While this route offers more customization and control, it also requires advanced technical know-how. Balancing your needs against your capabilities is key to making the right choice.
  • Infrastructure Investment: For high-volume senders, using private infrastructure can be a game-changer, allowing you to fine-tune every aspect of your email performance. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility—be ready to handle everything from IP warm-ups to reputation management.

Provider Matching for Multi-Account Setups

Using tools like Smartlead and Instantly can optimize your deliverability by matching providers with recipients—Gmail accounts send to Gmail, Outlook to Outlook. This strategic matching leverages the built-in trust between same-provider communications, boosting your chances of inbox placement.

Keep Sending Volumes Low

High-volume sending can be a red flag for spam filters. To maintain a good sender reputation, limit your outreach to around 15-20 emails per inbox per day, with a maximum of two inboxes per domain. For an extra layer of caution, consider sending only 5 emails per day per inbox—this “slow and steady” approach can help your inbox last longer and keep your domain off blacklists.

Implement Send Delays

Another critical factor in avoiding spam filters is controlling your send rate. Implementing a delay of 30-40 minutes between each email can help prevent your emails from being flagged. To keep things fresh, adjust this interval every few days—spam filters love patterns, so keep them guessing.

Avoid Open Rate Tracking and Use a Custom Tracking Domain

While it’s tempting to track every open, this data can be wildly inaccurate and detrimental to deliverability. Plus, it makes your emails look more like spam. Using a custom tracking domain instead of the default ESP domain can mitigate these risks, but the best approach is often to skip tracking altogether.

Spice Up Your Emails with Spyntax

Emails that look the same every time are a surefire way to get flagged as spam. Enter Spyntax: a tool that allows you to use variations in your email copy, ensuring no two emails are identical. For example, instead of saying “Hi there,” you can rotate in “Hello,” “Hey,” or “Greetings.” This subtle shift keeps your emails fresh and less predictable to spam filters.

Always Verify Your Email List

An unverified email list is like a ticking time bomb that can wreck your sender reputation and deliverability. To avoid this, always double-verify your email list to catch errors before they hurt your campaigns. If your bounce rate creeps above 2-3%, hit pause and reverify your list immediately. Keeping your list clean isn’t just about avoiding bounces—it’s about ensuring your emails reach engaged, real people.

For a more advanced approach, use tools like to implement a “waterfall” verification process. This method runs your list through multiple verification tools, ensuring each one catches any issues the others might miss. It’s like having multiple safety nets, guaranteeing your data is as accurate as possible.

Limit Links and Avoid Unnecessary Images

Including too many links or images is like putting up a neon sign saying, “I’m spam!” If absolutely necessary, limit yourself to one essential link and steer clear of additional images. Focus on delivering a clear, value-driven message instead of trying to dazzle with graphics.

Final Thoughts: Email deliverability is a game of finesse. From setting up robust authentication protocols to fine-tuning your sending strategy, every detail matters. By following these best practices, you’ll not only improve your chances of landing in the inbox but also build a stronger, more trustworthy relationship with your audience.

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