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Case studies /
Database Enrichment

HubSpot Database Enrichment for an Enterprise Software Provider

Replies out of 76 contacted pre-selected leads
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Executive summary

Spacewell struggled with data quality and lead segmentation in their HubSpot CRM. Their database was cluttered with incomplete and outdated records, hindering sales and lead nurturing efforts. We implemented an advanced database enrichment and lead scoring system, enriching over 25,000 contacts and automatically enhancing new incoming leads. This saved hundreds of hours of manual SDR work and provided better insights into which leads were worth actively following up on.

Client Background

Spacewell, a leading provider of smart building management solutions in Europe, supports facility managers in making data-driven decisions to enhance occupant comfort and operational performance. With a significant amount of legacy data, operations in multiple countries, and various business units, maintaining a high-quality database in HubSpot was crucial for their global outreach and sales strategies.

Goals and Objectives 

  • Better segment highly relevant leads for sales outreach
  • Save SDRs from extensive manual research work
  • Clean up the database of 50,000 leads by removing irrelevant and outdated records
  • Improve lead nurturing by creating segments

The System

The System - HubSpot Database Enrichment For Spacewell, we developed a comprehensive database enrichment system using the following steps.


  • Data Audit: some text
    • Conducted an in-depth audit of Spacewell’s existing database to identify gaps and inaccuracies.
  • Enrichment Strategy: some text
    • Determined which data sources would best fill currently empty fields. For example, using LinkedIn company page scraping to determine company size.
    • Outlined the enrichment process in order to avoid wasting expensive dataset credits on disqualified leads. For instance, one of the first steps involved using an email validity test. If an email was found to be invalid, it would be disqualified early in the process.

3. Lead Scoring Strategy:

  • Together with the sales team, we strategized lead scoring. A high score indicates a high-potential lead. Weighted scores were implemented for specific industries, job titles, countries, company size, seniority, specific keywords mentioned on the website, and more.

4. Data Enrichment:

  • Utilized over 10 data providers, as well as website and LinkedIn scraping, to enrich the contacts.
  • Implemented a waterfall enrichment process, which automatically checked subsequent databases if initial datasets did not yield information. This ensured the most complete and accurate data possible.

5. Segmentation and Targeting:

  • Created detailed buyer personas based on enriched data, allowing for precise segmentation.
  • Developed targeted marketing campaigns tailored to specific segments, improving engagement and conversion rates.

6. Integration and Automation:

  • Integrated the enriched data seamlessly into HubSpot, ensuring that marketing and sales teams had real-time access to the latest information.
  • Automated workflows to maintain data quality and consistency, reducing manual effort and errors.
  • Set up automation for new contacts, ensuring they automatically enter the enrichment process. This guarantees that contact information is always as complete and up-to-date as possible.


The results of our database enrichment strategy were outstanding:

  • Number of Contacts Enriched: Enriched over 30,000 contacts in their CRM.
  • Data Clean-Up: Filtered out over 5,000 contacts that were irrelevant due to incorrect emails or non-existing companies.
  • Time Saved: Saved over 4 hours of manual SDR work per week with the new automated data enrichment.
  • Foundation for Better Lead Nurturing: With improved segmentation, Spacewell's marketing team can better target their lead nurturing efforts, enhancing the relevancy of the content they share, leading to a better ROI on email marketing.


Our collaboration demonstrates the significant impact database enrichment can have. By enhancing data quality and leveraging enriched information for targeted marketing, we’ve helped uncover warm leads within the database, saved substantial time on manual research, improved lead nurturing, and gained a better understanding of which campaigns produce the best quality leads.

Ready to get the most out of your CRM and improve your sales efforts?

Contact us today to learn how tailored database enrichment systems can generate more leads and save your sales team significant time.